Wednesday, August 17, 2011

we frolicked about in our summer skin

This week Jason took time off work due to his job forcing the employees to use some of their PTO. We decided to go camping for a couple days since this is also my last week of freedom before school starts. On Morning morning we got all packed up when I remembered that Death Cab for Cutie were coming to concert that night. We had already seen them twice and hadn't planned on going because Jason had work and we didn't want to pay for it. I said to Jason that we should just skip camping and go see Death Cab, and much to my surprise he agreed. I found some pit tickets on Craigslist for a decent price and we got there early so we were two people back from the stage. They definitely did not disappoint this time. I prefer their older albums over their newer ones and they played most of my favorites from past albums. They sound so incredible live and always give a great show. I felt giddy being so close and halfway through a lady left in front of me so I was able to be right up against the gate. We both had a great time and didn't regret skipping out on camping.

 Us pre-concert. I wore my 70's bird dress which is one of my favorite dresses.

 opening band Frightened Rabbit

 Ben Gibbard

 We met Frightened Rabbit afterwards. They were very Scottish and very drunk. They were also very cool and friendly. They liked my dress and the singer had a tattoo of a chemical compound on his arm which he wanted Jason to find out if it was the right thing (the formula for his eczema creme). He almost gave Jason his phone number but instead settled for writing on facebook.


miss chaz. said...

Camping is over rated anyways!
Haha How fun! I loved getting caught up on your blog, annnnnnnd is that YOUR vintage shop on Etsy?!?!? I just saw it on your side bar and I LOVEEEE IT! I am in love with that black dress (with the white collar), what size is it?? LET ME KNOW!:) :)

Romi said...

Thanks Chaz!! Ya that is my vintage shop. The black dress is like a small or extra small. The measurements are on the listing so you can see if it would fit you. Let me know if you're interested! :)