..a quick recap of the past few months since it's been so long since i've blogged. i plan on not getting so behind this year but no promises...
j u n e
my 25th birthday
j u l y
we spent a week in California on the beach with the family.
Disneyland :)
Jason's sister Ginger is very generous and set up a flight for us with a friend in a 4 person plane to Catalina Island. with my fear of heights it was terrifying at first but ended up being an incredible experience.
this pic kinda shows how small the plane was. it's pretty crazy being able to see out windows on all sides on an airplane.
it was a beautiful view
i was able to relax enough on the way back to steer the plane for a bit!
a u g u s t
got a new niece from Jason's sister- baby Catherine!
s e p t e m b e r
saw Les Miserables on broadway
o c t o b e r
we drove to Tucson to see the Shins and when we went to pick up our tickets early we met them walking around the street! they were super cool.
i got a pic with them and an autograph.
we dressed up as mr. & mrs. fox (fantastic mr. fox)
d e c e m b e r
j a n u a r y
new years!