Thursday, January 15, 2015

like great grandpa, like great grandson

every winter starting in about October Jason grows his beard out. I am a big fan of beards and so I am always sad when he shaves it in January. last January when his beard was at its longest he decided to reenact a photo of his great, great grandpa, John Rowley, who Jason resembles quite a bit. these are the photos we took:

John's beard was way longer and Jason should have worn a bow tie but other than that we like how it turned out.

he decided to do it again this year with a photo of his great grandpa Jesse Rowley. after I edited the photos we couldn't stop laughing!  
I hate mustaches so I am glad he shaved it immediately after. we think it turned out pretty great though and I think this has now become a tradition. we might run out of photos to reenact though!

Thursday, January 1, 2015


with Martinelli's of course! happy new year!