We saw Wall e which was good. But even though its made for them, it did not seem to be a movie that kids would enjoy or understand. My dad called it "dark" and my brother "boring." But I think everyone else liked it. After that we went home and they sang to me.. twice because the first time my nephew Cole blew out the candles instead of me and so they did it again.
I opened presents and I got a new camera, some gift cards, and a book called "The Host". Jason got me a new ipod stereo transmittor for my car.. but it still has not come yet. I was very excited about my presents! That night Jason and I went to a bar called "The Big Bang" and they have dueling pianos there which is a lot of fun. They let me in free cause it was my b-day. It was fun but we were a little bit akward cause we were the only ones not drinking. We still enjoyed watching them sing and play songs like "Sweet Caroline", "Born in the USA" and even the Spongebob theme.
I had a great birthday!

*More Birthday Pics*