Tuesday, September 22, 2009

no more brain mullet...

at least that's what Jason calls it. His surgery is over! It went very well and we are glad to have that part over with.. now with the healing. He is recovering pretty fast and will be out of the hospital this week sometime. I can't wait for him to heal completely and be back to normal- or hopefully much better than normal for him. He was hilarious coming out of anesthesia and had me laughing immediately. I'm pretty sure he was saying a lot of stuff intending to be funny but I didn't know that at the time. The first thing he said was- "I wanna play cars!" which is only funny if you know my 2 year old nephew who says that whenever he sees Jason. The nurse was confused but I couldn't stop laughing. Probably not the most normal reaction for seeing him after surgery but I couldn't help it. She asked if he talks in his sleep a lot because he sounded earlier like he was having a conversation with himself. I said I don't think so but I'm such a deep sleeper that if he did it wouldn't wake me up. She also said I'm never going to want to let him go to a bachelor party and get inebriated because I know how he acts now. . whatever that means!

Here are some pictures of him from the past few weeks with our nephew Caden. Jasons been playing with him a lot lately (mainly cars which he could play for hours if allowed) and Caden loves him so much.


{Steve and Amanda} said...

From Steve: At first I thought Jason was saying that he wanted to WORK on a car. Which I thought makes sense because Jason is handy with fixing up cars. I once had a concussion and was in the hospital... when I was out of it, I kept saying that I needed my journal. (I had been trying to write in it daily) Apparently you say what you think about. I was glad I didn't say anything embarrassing! So it is good that Jason wanted to doing something fun like playing CARS like he did with his nephew. We hope for the best!

Wilson and Desiree Luong said...

so glad to hear that the surgery went well!