Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Camping in the Redwoods!

on Monday we drove 5 1/2 hours from Sacramento to the Redwoods! we found a camping spot in the same camping area as last time and then went to the beach. it is only like a 15 minute drive to the beach and to the nearest city. we had forgotten how close the city was and had stocked up on food and supplies like we would be cut off from civilization- ha! we still ended up eating a lot of what we brought. 
my lens was really dirty in a lot of these pics so parts of them are a little cloudy.
 we started out at a smallish campsite then the next morning one across from us opened up and we grabbed it. it was a perfect spot. 
 we left our camp spot and went to search out some hikes. we had heard about some where you hike through the woods to a secluded beach with tide pools. we had a hard time finding the trail head- this beach wasn't it but we did find some little tide pools with anemones.
 we finally found the trail head which was a little ways down the road. 
 the hike was incredible with enormous redwoods and lush green ferns. 
 someone had just set them hammock up in the middle of the forest which is the way to do it!
 and finally the woods opened up and we could see the ocean!
a duck-shaped driftwood. we realized as we were hiking that we would get there too late to see the tide pools. it was disappointing but we still loved seeing this secluded beach.

 we left the beach and headed back through the woods to our car.
 we got back to our car, ate, then drove to our next hike to Trillium Falls. the hike is about 3 miles round trip through old growth Redwoods and is insanely beautiful. 
 we had a great day of hiking!

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