So Jason left me alone this weekend to hike Havasupai with his family. Although his family had been planning it for a while he only decided to join them the day they left because his family begged him to. I would have loved to go but my job kept me from it- those dang responsibilities. I didn’t care that much. I wanted him to go and have some fun. And I was looking forward to spending a weekend alone at our townhouse. The only thing I neglected to think about was how freaked out I get once the sun goes down. I am on my guard at all times especially when I am by myself. I become very paranoid and I have to sleep with the bedroom door locked and sometimes I leave a light one. It is ridiculous I know but being in a family of 5 kids I'm used to always having someone there. It wasn’t actually as bad as I expected even though our neighbors woke me up at around 2:30 last night and kept me up til 4:00. That wasn't the first time either.. it happens about twice a week and not always on the weekend. They are a bunch of young guys whose lives involve playing video games all day and partying all night. At least as far as I can tell because I hardly ever see them except late at night, and at daytime we can hear them play Halo or another game. And last night I heard the "F" word maybe more than I have in my entire life. When Jason is here he calls the cops (well he has once.. usually other neighbors call) but I just laid there trying to block out the profanity and the laughter of ditzy girls. I had Gigi and Angie (my parents Bernese Mountain Dog) there with me and Angie just stared at them the whole time because you can see directly into their back porch from our window. I should have sent her on them but the most she would do is sit on their feet or lick them to death. Other than that I had a pretty good weekend and was able to face my fear of sleeping alone.
It's something about being home all alone at night, I always hear noises that I have never heard before. I get so freaked out! This winter Levi is going hunting and I will be all alone a couple of nights. I might need to have a sleepover with you!
I am the same way!! Steve will be having interviews for dental school out of state so he will be gone during those times and I know I am gonna freak out at night! At least you had GiGi and Angie to comfort you. He has an interview around Halloween too.. I'm glad everything turned out ok, I feel bad that you have such immature neighbors. PS I got Breaking Dawn, I'm only 1/3 finished though, I can't read when Steve has the TV on so I am trying to convince him to read his book too.
ps I like your header :)
I am at page 100 and its really good so far! Brindy is almost finished and I'm afraid shes going to give away what happens. I don't want her to tell me anything!
haha you will have to shut yourself away from Brindy until you are finished. I actually have the book now and I am on page 286. Don't worry I won't give anything away. It seems like Steve is trying very hard to turn on the TV when I want to read... I can't really go anywhere in the apartment without hearing the TV. Maybe he feels neglected when I read.
Hey Romi! Cute Blog, I'm glad I found you and Brindy!! :) This is such a small blogging world! lol
i'm glad you survived being by yourself! Okay, so i saw you at corona 1st ward today..i was there for cory's homecoming..i was going to come talk to you but you escaped away too fast!
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