Yesterday Jason and I ran a race at Tempe Town Lake for the Frank Kush foundation. It was a 5k race which is 3.1 miles and it was so much fun!! We did it last year with a few of Jason's siblings but this year it was just the two of us. There were a lot of people there. Some of them had their dogs with them to do the race but I didn't think that Gigi's little legs could handle it! Plus it would have been a pain to run the race with a dog. When we started out Jason and I stayed together for a while and then I just took off ahead of him. He didn't care that I left him so I ran ahead of him the whole time. I was running with this girl and a guy and my goal was to stay with them throughout the race because they were going pretty fast. I managed to most of the way but at the end I got really tired and started to slow down. The whole race was pretty flat except for at the end we had to go up some little hills which was difficult. It was also a lot hotter than I wanted and the sun was glaring down on us. But I managed to finish 46th place out of about 350 people! My time was 24:25 min for the three miles. I was proud of myself and Jason was too. He finished shortly after which is great considering he doesn't ever go running like I do. We were both glad that neither of us stopped and walked even once. On top of that, I finished 1st in the female 21-25 age division and so they gave me a little geeky medal! They called my name after the race was over and I went up and got my medal in front of everyone and they were all clapping. I felt a little silly but it was exciting! Oh and my name is now Romi Davey because that is what they listed me as on the results sheet. Luckily we changed it before they called me up. I don't know how they got that from Rowley... probably because they type in so many names.. but it has a nice ring to it :)
Now I'm going to start training for the Turkey Trot which is a 10k or 6.2 miles! Its going to be hard but I will at least try and see how I do! Thankfully it will be a lot cooler by Thanksgiving!
Me after the race with my fancy medal!
Our free race shirt. It looks the same as last years except the lettering was grey. This one is way better!
WOW first place!!! That is a great time for 3 miles! I need to get up off the couch and get back into running again! I kind of just stopped after my whole back problem thingy! Congratulations!!
yay RUN, ROMI, RUN!!!
Go Romi Davey!! haha how they got Davey from that I don't know but that's funny. I love running, well I haven't for awhile but I used to run cross country and loved it. That's so cool that you guys are involved in those and it's always a motivating thing to do (especially when you get medals, dang!**not geeky :)
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