Anyways, we made it to our second Weezer concert, the first being our second date. Let me just say... FREAKING AWESOME! They played with The Tokyo Police Club (we didn't see because the tickets had the wrong time on them) whoever they are, and Angels & Airwaves. When we walked in A&A was just starting and we were ushered to our seats way up front and watched Tom DeLonge SUI, (sing under the influence). The light show was pretty cool but I really like A&A drunk or not. After they played and they were setting up for Weezer we reallized were in the wrong seats the whole time. Ours were in the section behind us, still floor, but further back and there were people in ours. In the end it didn't matter because when Weezer came out, everybody rushed the stage. We were pretty close for the first three songs and then a 4'9" woman with mean flashlight skills started sending people back. I pulled the I-don't-speak-english card but still got flashlighted. We managed to find two empty seats closer than ours and stayed there the rest of the concert. Weezer is always a crowd pleaser with awsome covers, tag-team singing/playing, and family friendly topics. Tom DeLonge was invited back for "Undone-The Sweater Song." At the end they had around 30 people up there that won some radio contest and they all played their own instruments from home. It was funny. There were violins, guitars, trumpets, marachas, and a digeridoo. Weezer is a great concert if you ever get a chance. The whole concert ended at 9:00pm and the fair is too trashy for even me so we left. My ears are still ringing and I am content.
The newest member of Weezer
It sounds like you had a great time! I would have loved to go see Weezer. I have never seen them in concert before. When we got home from camping we both just passed out and slept for 5 hours and missed the whole show!
Aw, your first post. Sounds like it was an awesome concert. "I-don't-speak-english card" ...that's funny. Do you do that a lot? You could probably pull it off too. Too bad I don't know spanish or any other languages (besides English), I guess I could pretend I was deaf and use sign, but what would a deaf person be doing at a Weezer concert, or any concert?
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