Sunday, March 1, 2009

my life

Here are some random pictures of my life for the past couple months. Nothing too exciting just work and school- and some new pets on the side! :) We took a weekend trip up to a cabin in pinetop last weekend with Jason's family. It was a nice little getaway and I got to see some snow before it's too late. The cabin actually belongs to the Wright family (who owns the reception place the Wright house) and since Loretta is good friends with their son they were way generous and let us use it. It was huge and there was plenty of room for Jason's family.

My rabbit I keep at my mom's house had babies! We didn't find them til they were this size because they were hiding in the hole they dug in their cage.

I took Jason to his first Suns game. It was way fun even though they lost.

And heres Putters our gorgeous new cat! The pictures do not do justice to his beautiful coloring! He is polydactyl meaning he has more than the usual amount of toes. (he's already stolen Gigi's bed!) You can see his crazy feet in the next pic...

We are going to Chicago this saturday for spring break and I cannot wait!! I could really use a weeks vacation from work and school. And I am way excited to see Chicago!


Steve + Brindy Arnett said...
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Steve + Brindy Arnett said...

YAY!!!! you FINALLY updated!!! :) i love TIGER's little glamour shots.. way to show off the toes!!

{Steve and Amanda} said...

How did you get your cat? He is so pretty. His toes are funky though. That's funny that when you look at the bunnies there are 3 that are mostly white with some dark but there is one that looks all charcoal. That's the little odd ball :)
SO lucky! you guys get to go on vacation. And to Chicago, what are your plans for when you go? So exciting!