So I was tagged by Kathy a couple weeks ago to write 6 quirks about myself and I am finally going to do it! Here it is...
1. I drink A LOT of water! Especially when I am at work I have to continually fill up my water bottle. It is a good thing but it has become more of an obsession for me.
2. On the weekends I will not let myself go to bed before 12:00. Even if we are just at home I will go on the computer or read.. anything so that I stay awake. I try to make Jason always stay up with me but he prefers actually going to bed when hes tired..unlike me. I just love nighttime and being up late. I have to go to bed early during the week so I take advantage of staying up on the weekends.
3. The only meat I will eat is chicken, turkey, and some fish. My family makes fun of me for it but it is just my preference! I guess thats a little quirky because most people love gross juicy steaks.
4. I hate the sound of syrofoam. It is worse than nails on a chalkboard.
5. Jason says that I will continually ask a question until I get the answer I want. For example..
Me: Do you want to go see..(random chick flick)?
Jason: No.
Me: Are you sure you don't want to see it?
Jason: Yes.
Me: Wait... does that mean we can go??
6. Before going to sleep I have to check my closet and bathroom for monsters and then lock the bedroom door. Jason thinks I'm ridiculous but I like to feel safe when I sleep.