Thursday, September 10, 2015

West Coast Roadtrip

this summer Jason and I embarked on another incredible three week roadtrip! this time we drove up the west coast up to Washington and back down through Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado. we visited 8 states total, 4 of which I had never been to before. I had somehow gone my whole life without visiting the Pacific Northwest and I knew that had to change.

this trip may not have been as much as far and varied as last years cross country road trip it was still an amazing adventure. I know I will always hold these road trips dear to my heart for the rest of my life. I love road trips because there is so much you miss on an airplane. the small towns, gradually changing landscapes, vast expanses of road and scenery are all what make driving long distances so memorable for me. being on the road for a few weeks at a time I feel is such a great adventure because it is not just about the destinations but also what is in between.

we left on our trip on Saturday July 11th and spent all day driving north and stayed in Bakersfield, CA.
the next day we went to Sequoia National Park. the Sequoia trees are not the tallest in the world but they are the largest in regards to both width and height.
General Sherman is the largest tree in the world. we were laughing at a teen girl who yelled at her sister, "mom wants another picture, she says we got our picture in front of the wrong tree!" there was a sign and line in front of Sherman so it was pretty hard to miss!

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